Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Firefox Add-ons I use

Been a long time I posted someting on my blog, huh? So i really needed to update it again and had this lying around as a unfinised concept on my Blogger desk. So i finished itand here is the list in no particular order:

Web Developer Toolbar
Even tough it's a web developer toolbar some tools can be useful for non-developers like; Disable Javascript, cookies and stuff. But most of the tools are just really usefull and timesaving tools for the webdeveloper. Like View CSS, Edit CSS, Disable CSS or outline all kinds of elements like frames and tables or resize window, validate HTML etc. etc. So if you are a web developer you better check this out :p

IE Tab 1.5
Firefox is great but sometimes it just doesn't show the pages right or just blog FF users, you have to copy the adress and past it in Internet Explorer. These days are over! With the IE Tab Add-on, this add-on puts a little button on the right-buttom of your firefox windows which let's you quickly change from Firefox to IE and the same FF window.

Greasemonkey is an Add-on wich allows you to get add-ons to all websites! Like for Blogger you already have "Emoticons for Blogger" and "Blogger large post editor" for example. And you can always make you own if you are a bit easy with Javascript. I suggest you to use this with Greasefire wich tells you automaticly if there are any Greasemonkey script for the page you are on. OFCOURSE DON'T JUST ADD ANY SCRIPTS! CAREFULLY CHECK IF THEY AREN'T KEYLOGGER OR HARM YOU IN ANY KIND OF WAY!

Colorzilla is a small powerfull little tools more usefull to webdevelopers. It allows you to use a pipet on any webpage and shows you the color in HTML color name (white #FFFFFF) or in sRBG (white rgb(255, 255, 255)) allows offers you a colorpicker.


Hmm, this was the list of worth mentioning Add-ons i use :p Not that long :p But i haven't seen all the Add-ons on the FF database yet so :p There might be an V2 on this post.

Monday, January 26, 2009

How to share folders trough your homenetwork

A friend asked me last week if it was possible to share a folder trough his wireless network at home. I said yes, he responded "k, but how?" which led to a little tutorial I wrote for him. And i thought "Hey, let's put it on my blog." So here is is(Of course i cleaned it up a little :p):

How to share folders trough your network

Step 1
The first thing to do is to check if you're computer is connected to the right network.

Right click on "computer" in the start menu and select "properties". If the name in the area highlighted on the screen shot below is the same then is probably alright.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Runes of Magic

I tried dozens of F2P MMORPG's but they all just felt like those clickediclick Korean Grinding games where you just endlessly click those monsters to gain a level. Runes of Magic isn't like that, it features linear and non-linear quests, Instances and Dungeons, Arenas and Guild wars, Crafting and Gathering system. Pretty much like World of Warcraft except this one if Free2Play and has an unique Dual Class System wich allows you to be both a Mage and a Warrior at the same time!

There are a total of 6 classes in Runes of Magic featuring;


You can play as a warrior. With their great strength and skill of using the strongest weapons they can kill anything and anybody from close range.

Warriors are pretty standard in those MMORPG games but are still fun to play because Runes of Magic uses skills just like WoW. You can't win by only clicking the mouse button.