Friday, December 26, 2008

TomTec MP1005 MP3 Player

Today i want to discuss the TomTec MP1005 MP3 player. The MP1005 is a €40,-($56,15) MP3 player that has touch screen and looks an awful lot like the iPhone, so that's a pretty good deal?

So that's what we are gonna find out. So let's unpack it and turn it on. The menu looks pretty cool and easy and familiar...

As you can see it's able to play music and video's, view photo's and text's. And you are able to record, explore, game and change some settings. Let's check out those last 4 features since there is no music on it yet. These features doesn't require much testing actually. The recording sounds clear and the exploring is easy to use.

The game button brings you to one single tetris game.

And the settings

The setting menu will allow you to change EQ, Recording quality, display backlight time, language, auto power and some other stuff. And now the thing what it's actually made for, the music!

To put music on the MP3 player you can just plug in the USB cable in to your comuter and the mini-USB in you MP3 and you are ready to go.

Nothing special. A clear interface with the basic functions. What i do think is special is the build in speaker on the back of the MP3.

I'm quite surprised about the quality of the videos you can play on this €40,- thing. The photo's are the same quality of course. The only thing i miss in the photo viewer are the zoom and rotate options. And the text viewer is nothing special too. It can only shows .txt files, but who buys a MP3 player for reading e-books?


With this MP3 you get some earphones, a USB cable and a charger. The earphones are nothing special and feel a little bit cheap but i do think the charger is quite cool.

There is no cable on the charger because you have to put in the USB cable to charge.

All in all this is best Mp3 i ever had so far. The first impression is good the the built in speakers and all. The only thing that is kind of weird is that TomTec the brand of this Mp3 player doesn't even have a website! But they do have a free to call service number.

  • Cheap! (€40,- or $56,15)
  • 2.4" touchscreen!
  • Built-speakers
  • Looks like iPhone
  • Good sound, video
  • TF Card(MicroSD) slot!
  • Looks like iPhone
  • No website
  • Only one game
  • Pretty basic photo, text viewer


  1. Commenting is now fixed! Now you can comment and speak your free mind! Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. How do you get movies on that thing? o.o

  3. @Lisa

    Most of the time your movies need to be converter to .AVI files at size 320x230. There's a application that does this on the small disc you got with your MP3 player. Just click "add" to add the movies than "convert" to convert ;) And than just put it on your movie just like you do with music.

  4. Hello,

    Somebody know the maximum capacity of TF card slot. anyone have tested 4 or 8 Go MicroSD?

    Best regards,

  5. @Nero

    Haven't tried any yet, sorry. But iI know I have one of those cards aroung somewhere so I will start looking for it right now ;)

  6. can i put a background on mij mp1005.

  7. @Anonymous

    Nope, I looked trough all options and could find anything mentioning it. Maybe it's possible with some hacking, but I wouldn't try that :p

  8. I cant calibrate my touch screen.. and its not reacting as it should be..

    for example, if I press settings, I get the game.. if I press the empty space on the menu.. I get the settings!

    should I bring it back?

  9. @Anonymous

    So you already tried calibrating it properly in the setting menu? (Settings > System > Touch Calibration)

    If not, you should try that.

    If yes, I think it's right to bring it back as fast as possible because it just really isn't working as it should be.

  10. I do not have the videoplayer icon.
    does this mean there is no videoplayer on it?

  11. @Anonymous

    Wow, that's weird?! Are you sure you bought the MP1005 Media Player? I can't really help you with this one. It could be a problem with your firmware or something. You should return it or call the service number on the back of the box.

  12. wich program do you use for to make a 320x320 format?

  13. You probably got a Mini CD with it right in the box. Which contains User Manual, Firmware, Win98 driver and an AVI converter just install that little program to convert you videos to 320x230 and to be compatible with your Media Player.

  14. i bought one too, but there is no video icon on it ??? , can it play video?

  15. @ Anonymous

    These problems has been reported before and I actually have no cleu other than that the Media Player you bought is not the MP1005, if it actually is I should go back where you bought it and just ask for a new one. If it's to late you should call the TomTec service number wich is on the back of the box.

  16. i will go to the shop where i bought the Mp1005 player. i will ask then about it. but it's really strange , because everything looks the same as the NORMAL mp1005 player , the box,the player, the manual, exept that there is no video player and a video icon on the player. there olso is no mention of a video player in the manual :s? i bought it in a bart smit shop. ( ) as you see on the site , there should be a video player on it!

  17. @ Anonymous

    Yes, you should REALLY go back to the shop and get a new one, because I bought my MP1005 at the same store and do have a video player icon. And I think you should probably test it right at the shop to be sure your new one DO have a video player icon. Because it could be that all the MP1005 Mediaplayer there that have that problem. If thats the case you should get your money back.

  18. yes , thats right. ok thanks ;). i will go to the shop tomorrow.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. if got all the same problems as anonymous but ik cant get to the calbrate option because if i touch hes gets the information -.-
    i think i return it to the shop

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. and when im finely to the touch calibration screen i touch the first + but i wont go further
    pls help :S

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. AT the calibration the MP3 should react right away when you touch the cross. I doesn't work right with your MP3 so I think return it to the store as fast as possible as long as you still can. Because these MP3 should work right away, I'm amazed how many problem people have with these things.

  25. The + should go to another spot right when you touch it.

  26. hi

    how do you get a text at the mp1005
    plz can some whan tell me thet it is for school.

  27. @ Anonymous

    Hi, To view text on your MP1005 just simply move a .txt file to your device just like you do with .MP3's.

  28. mike can you post firmware to your mp3. i have the same one but it have no video player and instalation files for converting video formats are missing too. can you pleas upload firmware or eaven full iso on rapidshare or any ather free serwer

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Hi
    i bought MP1045 (tomtec)for 25E. there is an opton for video on the manual, a video icon on the screen, and a disk with avi converter3 SW. According the manual it shoul read avi 320x240, but i always get a "file format error". Also the converter doesn't shoul conversion progress and looks like doesn't work (i have windows XP).
    Since i see no tomtec website, it looks like you are the only one who can help :-)
    thanks a lot,

  31. @Anonymous above
    Videos must be converted with the converter. If I remember correctly any other video converter never seem to work. I'm a little bit sloppy so I lost my own CD which contains the converter software, so I can't make a test run on a Windows XP computer.

    I did however searched the internet a little and found what seems to be their company website. So they may be able to help you out on the contacts page: (It's in Dutch)

    I will try and look for the CD a little more, tough.

  32. Looks like IPhone twice? haha ;P
