Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Razor Diamond back or Logitech MX518

I'm and intensive computer user and use my computer, keyboard and mouse daily. And since I have a wireless mouse I need new batteries every week. That's why I am going to buy a wired mouse. Howhever there are soo many mice I can't even choose. So I did some research and came out with these two cheap and goood game mice. the Razer Diamondback and the Logitech MX815. So are some things I found:

General info

Both mices are greatly respected game mice from well known company's. The specs are actually quite the same:

Razer Diamondback

Logitech MX 518


1600 dpi

1600 dpi

Max. speed



Data processing rate

5,8 MP/s

5,8 MP/s

Maximum acceleratie




1 ms

1 ms





Agilent A3070

Agilent A3070

They both have the same sensor, max speedm resolution etc. so that shouldn't matter.

*2 of left side 2 on right side
** 2 buttons for on-the-fly sensivity

Razer Diamondback

As I read:
The Razer Diamondback is a small mouse for people with small hands or people who like to hold their mouse with their fingers(like me) and not the whole hand. It's a light weight mouse produced by a company specialised in gaming gear.

Ergonomics & Design
I also read the mouse is Ergonomically not the greatest which make is for some feel like a regular mouse. Howhever the light-weight, the 'rubber' coated buttons and the rubber side strips makes it such a great mouse. And the light is beautiful.

Logitech MX518

As I read: General
The Logitech MX518 is a big heavy mouse you use with your whole hand. This shouldn't be a problem since the ergonicaly the mouse should be good. The design however...
Ergonomic & Design
As I read a lot of people say the shape of the MX518 is way better than that from the Diamondback wich looks like it is. And as I said, I think the design is just plain ugly. It looks like a lapricon banged it up with a little bat. Than just put some small cheap looking buttons on it and done.

That was just a very quick overview on what I found and it maybe helps you decide a little easier ( or maybe harder, sorry). Right now I think I'll go with the Diamondback because I like the use my mouse with my fingers and lightwright mouses. And I just love the light :p When I got my new I will post the unboxing, a feature overlook and a 'review'.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Why don't you buy a Mac?

Attention: this post has very little educational value and consist of ignorant facts and myths from both Macboy and PC. Don't take this post seriously. (However I do hate Apple and they will have to pay me to make me use an Apple product. With that said:
Okay, better to say it now then never. I hate Mac and the whole Apple company more than I hate Microsoft and all those big company's. Why? Because Apple is just to arrogant and don't have any dignity. They sell $700 dollar boxes full of electronic crap and sell it to brainless Macboys and girls. And Apple takes advantage of these people. I am not claiming that all Mac users are stupid, certainly not. But some just have to admit that the Mac isn't any better than a PC so just stop complaining and flaming on those youtube videos and blog posts.

As I was telling all that above to a friend of mine(A Macboy) he just started claiming and started nagging about how great the Mac is( Ugh, just the same crap every Macboy/girl says, do they have a cheatsheet or something hiden somewhere?). About how fast it is, how easy it it and how it never crashes and stuff and said that after I tried it I would agree.

So he invited me to his house to try it out. I started the Mac waited and waited just like any PC and then Woah! Mac OS X was there. So I asked: "Now show anything a PC can't do?".So he starting showing everything:

1. The windows manager is way cooler and easier!
- I can make a PC look like that...

2. Photoshop and other applications run faster on my 1.8Ghz Mac than on a 1.8Ghz PC
- Ok so I need faster processor to top with the Mac so I buy a Pc with Core2Quad @ 2.44Ghz that will cost me maybe $800 with a nice graphic card and 4gb RAM. And your Mac costs $2000 so what's the difference? Yes $1200.

3. Mac never crashes and always works.
- Than why would there be a support line? I'm pretty sure I can make the Mac crash and besides Linux doesn't crash either. So they are still even.

4. But uhm... Linux is hard and Mac is not.
(* is Macboy)
- Why is linux hard? It's just like any other OS.
* I heard it's hard to install thing on it.
- With Ubuntu Linux for example you have an application wich shows a huge list with all applications for Linux than click install and done. If it's not on that list just type 'apt-get install ' to install anything. Nothing different than Mac OS X.

5. Mac dominates the graphic design world. We have for example Final Cut!
- That was ages ago, sure there are ignorant designer that think you can only design on a Mac. Oh wait, I'm a designer and I don't have a Mac. And about the Final Cut, congratz you have an Application we don't have... Not really a big deal because we got 1000's of quality Pc only wares.

Hmmm, he didn't really convinced me to buy a Mac... Why would I buy a $2000 dollar machine that can do less than a $800 dollar machine, that just makes no sense to me. So I'll stick with my PC for a while. Maybe it will be fun to convince my friend to buy a PC. Maybe you'll see that next time on my blog :p

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Opensource or freeware alternatives to all the software we can't afford

Let's say you are a web designer you need some software to make your job easier so you need Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium, that's $1699,00! Or Design Premium $1799,00! Or for the 3D designers 3ds max $3495. That's just to much for a piece! Sure, it's great software but $3495 is more than twice my PC! (And I got quite a good PC). Then there are 2 choices: 1. Use pirated software, or 2. Use freeware alternatives. Because choice 1 would get me in trouble I chose 2. So I made a list for all the expensive software I needed.

Photoshop alternatives
Photoshop has more than one alternative GIMP and Paint.NET


A graphic editor wich does not look like Photoshop and UI just sucks.


That's more like it :p


Illustrator alternative


Dreamweaver alternative

After Effectss alternative

UI seems like as hard as the name itself ( Jahsjaka, ja shaka, jas haka?)

Haha! Take that Adobe! They are going bankrupt in no time! Now let's take down some other companies too.

3ds max alternative

Ofcourse Blender is seen as world's best free 3d modeler but it doesn't even comes near to how 3ds max looks like. So if you want it to look like 3ds max you should try gmax, howhever it's more for creating game models.

Fl Studio alternative
Linux MultiMedia Studio

Fl studio is probably one of the cheaper audio softwares around but still quite a lot. So there's an alternative Linux MultiMedia Studio, and guess what! It's also availble for windows!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Firefox Add-ons I use

Been a long time I posted someting on my blog, huh? So i really needed to update it again and had this lying around as a unfinised concept on my Blogger desk. So i finished itand here is the list in no particular order:

Web Developer Toolbar
Even tough it's a web developer toolbar some tools can be useful for non-developers like; Disable Javascript, cookies and stuff. But most of the tools are just really usefull and timesaving tools for the webdeveloper. Like View CSS, Edit CSS, Disable CSS or outline all kinds of elements like frames and tables or resize window, validate HTML etc. etc. So if you are a web developer you better check this out :p

IE Tab 1.5
Firefox is great but sometimes it just doesn't show the pages right or just blog FF users, you have to copy the adress and past it in Internet Explorer. These days are over! With the IE Tab Add-on, this add-on puts a little button on the right-buttom of your firefox windows which let's you quickly change from Firefox to IE and the same FF window.

Greasemonkey is an Add-on wich allows you to get add-ons to all websites! Like for Blogger you already have "Emoticons for Blogger" and "Blogger large post editor" for example. And you can always make you own if you are a bit easy with Javascript. I suggest you to use this with Greasefire wich tells you automaticly if there are any Greasemonkey script for the page you are on. OFCOURSE DON'T JUST ADD ANY SCRIPTS! CAREFULLY CHECK IF THEY AREN'T KEYLOGGER OR HARM YOU IN ANY KIND OF WAY!

Colorzilla is a small powerfull little tools more usefull to webdevelopers. It allows you to use a pipet on any webpage and shows you the color in HTML color name (white #FFFFFF) or in sRBG (white rgb(255, 255, 255)) allows offers you a colorpicker.


Hmm, this was the list of worth mentioning Add-ons i use :p Not that long :p But i haven't seen all the Add-ons on the FF database yet so :p There might be an V2 on this post.

Monday, January 26, 2009

How to share folders trough your homenetwork

A friend asked me last week if it was possible to share a folder trough his wireless network at home. I said yes, he responded "k, but how?" which led to a little tutorial I wrote for him. And i thought "Hey, let's put it on my blog." So here is is(Of course i cleaned it up a little :p):

How to share folders trough your network

Step 1
The first thing to do is to check if you're computer is connected to the right network.

Right click on "computer" in the start menu and select "properties". If the name in the area highlighted on the screen shot below is the same then is probably alright.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Runes of Magic

I tried dozens of F2P MMORPG's but they all just felt like those clickediclick Korean Grinding games where you just endlessly click those monsters to gain a level. Runes of Magic isn't like that, it features linear and non-linear quests, Instances and Dungeons, Arenas and Guild wars, Crafting and Gathering system. Pretty much like World of Warcraft except this one if Free2Play and has an unique Dual Class System wich allows you to be both a Mage and a Warrior at the same time!

There are a total of 6 classes in Runes of Magic featuring;


You can play as a warrior. With their great strength and skill of using the strongest weapons they can kill anything and anybody from close range.

Warriors are pretty standard in those MMORPG games but are still fun to play because Runes of Magic uses skills just like WoW. You can't win by only clicking the mouse button.